Amazon Eero Pro 6 Mesh Wi-Fi System Review – Easy And Reliable

I’ve been using an Eero system since they came to Australia 3-4 years ago, and have never looked back, recommending them to anybody that asked which Wi-Fi system they should buy. With an upgrade gigabit, I decided it was time to move up to the Eero Pro 6, which is currently the best Eero mesh system available in Australia.

The Eero Pro 6 is quite a lot larger than the original units and there’s obviously good reason for that which we’ll get into later. It’s still quite slimline so shouldn’t be an eyesore in any room, and maintains its classic white glossy look. Each hub has two gigabit ports that so that you can hardwire your devices in.

One of the best things about any Eero system is just how easy setup is. I’ve tested other routers throughout the years, and the Eero is second to none. It’s just a flick clicks in the app and you’re setup with your main router unit and adding your extra nodes is just as easy. It’s worth mentioning that Eero has excellent phone support too. The few times I’ve had issues over the years, they’ve been absolutely fantastic in getting to the bottom of it and following up until the issue is resolved (the actual Eero devices have never been at fault).

The Eero Pro 6 supports Wi-Fi 6 which isn’t to be confused with 6E (not available in Australia yet). Wi-Fi 6 increase the number of streams to 12 across the 2.4ghz and 5ghz bands which should allow for less congestion and faster speeds and in my experience, that’s absolutely the case.

Each unit has tri-band connectivity, that’s good for a 560 sqm home for the three pack. I obviously have one connected near the middle of my house that is plugged into my router, another in the living room hardwired into my PS5 and Xbox Series X and another at the back of the house that has my Hue hub as well as another smart home hub connected and services the backyard.


Throughout my entire house, there’s a decent stream if Wi-Fi connectivity, which is important as it’s full of smart home devices ranging from the gate in the front yard to smart lights at the back of our yard, so coverage is super important.

The units are best for a gigabit connecting and at least in the room with my router, I was able to get almost 900MBPS with my iPhone 16 Pro which is fairly decent, with it never dropping below 300-500mbps throughout my whole house.

As far as the app goes, it’s really great to use. It provides a tonne of information about each device connected to your network included exactly which node they’re connected to and how much data they’re using live as well as over time.

It’s super easy to setup guest networks, add other people to manage the account and it even acts as a Zigbee smart home hub using the app to directly connect smart home devices. There’s a lot more smarts in the app, but unfortunately they come under the Eero Plus service which is subscription.

This includes access to a VPN network, a 1Password family account, advanced security options, content filters for the family as well as ad blocking. You also get a lot more internet usage data, and can even setup an internet backup option using a hotspot such as your phone. These are all great options and it is good value for money, but if you’re spending $1,000, it does feel steep to spend another $15.99 a month.

If you’ve just got a gigabit connection, no doubt you’ll be looking to upgrade your Wi-Fi network. If you’re already using an Eero system, the Eero Pro 6 will be a no-brainer, but if you’re feeling like your home network isn’t cutting it, or maybe you’re having black spots, I’d recommend it just on future proofing yourself for the day you do upgrade to that juicy gigabit connection.

The Amazon Eero Pro 6 is available on Amazon for $899 for a 3-pack. You can grab it HERE.

The EERO Pro 6 is one of the best router choices on the market for its simplicity in setting up, great speeds across the home and super informative app.
Super Easy To Setup
Reliable Fast Speeds
App Provides A Bunch Of Information
Didn't Love
App Extras Being Locked Being Paid Isn't Ideal
Grab It On
Published by
Shannon Grixti