Apple Maps Melbourne

Apple Maps Just Got A Huge Update For Melbourne And Sydney

Some decent improvements

Whilst Apple Maps has been long considered to be far behind Google’s alternative, it’s definitely gotten better from a feature-set point of view, and that’s getting better today for those that live in Melbourne and Sydney.

As of right now, using Apple Maps in Melbourne or Sydney will bring forward the 3D cities experience. This includes more detail for iconic objects such as bridges and building and just more detail in general for the maps themselves. This is also true for the roads which now include better signage, so that you can see up ahead if it’s a turning lane or one that goes straight.

This goes even further for the icons that you’d expect such as the MCG and Sydney Harbour Bridge, which looks even more detailed than what we’ve seen in the past.

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Apple Maps Melbourne

Good news for cyclists, as Australia is the fourth country to get a cycling option that will suggest bike paths, bike lanes and bike friendly roads for those cycling.

You can also get information on elevation and traffic information about routes, to make your cycle easier.

All of the updates mentioned in this article should be available on any device that has Apple Maps now.