The Apple Watch has been majorly redesigned with a thinner body and larger screens on both models. The new displays come in at 42mm and 46mm sizes which offers up to 9 percent more screen realestate than the Apple Watch Series 9. There’s new aluminium finishes including a gorgeous jet black watch.
There’s a new wide-angle OLED display which allows for up to 40% more brightness than the Series 9 when viewed at an angle making it even easier to read at a glance. It’s also more power efficient too.
The Series 10 Apple Watch now has faster charging as well with up to 15 minutes of charge providing up to 8 hours of normal use.
As far as new sensors go, there’s now 50-metre water resistance, automatic stroke detection and lap counting and it can sense the temperature of the water and how far down you are as well. There is also a new sleep apnea detection mode that will come to the Apple Watch Series 9 as well.
As far as the Apple Watch Ultra goes, it’s still the same model but now comes in a gorgeous new titanium black finish that looks absolutely stunning.
The Apple Watch Series 10 release on September 20th with pre-orders staring at 10:00pm on September 13th. Aluminium and Titanium materials with a gorgeous new jet black finish.
The 42mm version starts at $649 whilst the 46mm version starts at $699.