Atari ATARI 2600+ Is A Faithful Recreation Of The Original And Plays OG Cartridges Too

ATARI and PLAION have announced what I think is the coolest re-release console that we’ve had to date.

The Atari 2600+ is a faithful recreation of the original Atari 2600 to the point that it will play hundreds of Atari 2600 and Atari 7800 cartridges that you may still have kicking about (full list here).

The console includes a 10-in-1 cartridge that will feature the likes of Adventure, Missile Command, Volleyball, Combat, Haunted House and Yars Revenge. It also outputs in widescreen mode and features HDMI output.

Included in the box is also a Atari CX40+ joystick, which is essential to the Atari experience. The Atari 2600+ will set you back $189.95 AUD and a seperate controller will cost $39.95.

Atari will also release other titles such as Bezerk Enhanced Edition and Mr. Run and Jump for $44.95 each.

You can pre-order on Amazon at the below links:

Published by
Shannon Grixti