PS5 Slim Versus Original siE

Here’s A Rough Look At PS5 Slim Size Compared To The Original PS5

It's a bit smaller!

The PS5 Slim was announced this morning and I feel like Sony didn’t really do itself any favours by not providing a comparison between the new slimmer model versus the original, so I’ve done a bit of photoshopping to provide a rough look at what the console would look like.


Sony went on the record to say that the new PS5 model was 18% lighter than the original for the Disc edition and 24% lighter for the Digital Edition with a volume of 30% less. It’s also worth mentioning that several iterations of the PS5 were released since the first that shaved off hundreds of grams here and there.

PS5 Slim Versus Original siE

Exact dimensions of each console are below:

  • PS5 Disc (New Model) – 358 x 96 x 216 mm
  • PS5 Disc (Original) – 390 x 104 x 260 mm
  • PS5 Digital (New Model) – 258 x 80 x 216
  • PS5 Digital (Original) – 390 x 92 x 260

So in reality, we’re looking at roughly 32mm shorter in height, 10mm less in width and a fairly significant 44mm shallower in depth.

At the end of the day, if you didn’t like the design of the original PS5 console, you probably won’t like this one, but at least it’ll take up less room on or in your cupboard. For me, the current PS5 doesn’t even fit in my entertainment unit standing up without taking the wings off, so I’ll take the smaller model.

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There’s a couple of other changes as well. Obviously, the disc drive is detachable, so you can buy one for $160 AUD after you purchase a digital edition, and there’s also a new vertical chrome stand which will cost $50 AUD (it doesn’t come with the console). In my opinion the stand is a lot nicer, and it’ll also be compatible with the original PS5. You also need a little stand for the console in horizontal mode (that comes with the console).

PS5 Slim

Otherwise, the SSD is larger at 1TB (compared to 825GB) and you also get two USB-C ports on the front of the console as opposed to 1 x USB-C and 1 x USB-A.

PS5 Horizontal Stand

We don’t have a release date for Australia yet, but we do know it’s launching in November in the US and coming to other markets as the weeks and months roll on, so we could see it before the year’s end.


  • PS5 with Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc Drive – $799 AUD
  • PS5 Digital – $679.95 AUD
  • Ultra HD Blu-Ray Disc Drive – $159.95 AUD
  • Chrome Vertical Stand – $49.95 AUD