Xbox Deadpool Controller

The Deadpool Xbox Controller Is Extremely Thicc In All The Right Places


Xbox has announced a special edition Deadpool console, controller and a limited edition promotion that will allow 1,000 people to get a Deadpool controller holder.

Without doubt the head turner in all of these announcements is the Deadpool controller which has been designed by Deadpool with a perfectly rounded tush, but the bad news is that these will only be available to be won.

Xbox has launched once of its X competitions that are open worldwide and want you to follow and repost. The competition includes a custom Xbox Series X console that’s equally nice and you’ll also get two controllers. You can enter HERE.

If you’re wanting to get your hands on a Deadpool console stand though, you can do exactly that by purchasing any Xbox Elite controller Series 2 controller on July 22nd, although it seems like this will only be available to those in the US.

Xbox Deadpool Controller