The Midnight Black Pulse Explore Buds/Pulse Elite Headset Come With A New Grey Case

I unboxed the entire new midnight black PS5 collection last week, and the thing that surprised me most was how different both the midnight black Pulse Explore buds and midnight black Pulse Elite headset are.

For some really strange reason, both come with a grey felt case that both feel extremely integral to the design of the units, and custom designed for each of them, yet weren’t available for the original white release and can’t be purchased separately, yet they’re the same price as they’re white counterparts.

The PlayStation Pulse Explore buds have a grey felt case that is physically attached to the new midnight black case, and it magnetically snaps around to the bottom of the case. I have a feeling not everyone fill love the fact that it’s physically attached and it does take away from the sleekness of the black in this instance, but I think it’s a nice protector to throw it into your bag.

The new Pulse Explore buds also come with a PlayStation branded wrist-strap which again is custom for this version as the original white model doesn’t have the cut-out for the wrist strap, showing that some thought was put into it.

On the other hand, the Pulse Elite Headset, which is PlayStation’s premium headset now comes with an extremely high quality grey felt hard case with its own little carrying handle.

This has a zip that allows you to store the Pulse Elite headset and then a secondary magnetic pocket inside that lets you store all the cables, the dongle and the new black headset holder as well.

It’s a pretty massive case, but again, given it’s the same price as the original white version, it’s a great inclusion and a great way to store your headset when not in use.

Published by
Shannon Grixti