TikTok Notes Has Launched In Australia Bringing Photo Sharing Goodness

It’s been teased for months and months, but has today launched for testing in Australia and Canada for both the and

Similar to the standard TikTok app, TikTok Notes is split into a following page as well as a ‘For You’ page and looks extremely similar to Pinterest when it comes to the layout in the sense that it’s lots of photos and notes as you scroll through the page.

It’s very clear that TikTok Notes is TikTok’s answer to Instagram with only photos featuring throughout the platform. You can post photos, photo carousels as well as headlines and descriptions for your posts and it seems to have a huge reliance on SEO and topics that you’re interested in.

The App Store description is quite limited: “TikTok Notes is a lifestyle platform that offers informative photo-text content about people’s lives, where you can see individuals sharing their travel tips, daily recipes…”

You can download TikTok Notes at the below links:

Whilst you’re there, definitely chuck my TikTok a follow for the latest gaming unboxings and review.

Published by
Shannon Grixti