Withings Smart Scales

The Withings Body Smart And Body Comp Smart Scales Have Arrived In Australia

Two new scales!

Withings AKA the OG smart scales brand has announced that its latest two products have arrived in Australia.

As of today, the new Withings Body Smart and Body Comp smart scales are available in Australia. They’re available at JB HI-Fi for $199 and $359 AUD respectively.

The Body Smart is more for those that want a more basic look at their overall health. It will provide measurements including metabolic age, visceral fat around the internal organs and other cardiovascular measurements as well as giving the ability to track weight in-app without display on screen.

The Body comp is a little bit more advanced and measures full body composition including weight, muscle mass, fat mass, water %, bone mass, BMI and visceral fat as well. It also does a cardiovascular assessment including standing heart rate and vascular age. It also provides an assessment of your nerves.

Both products connect to the Withings app which can also track sleep, and other health metrics through the likes of the Withings ScanWatch that we reviewed earlier this year.