Xbox Remix Controller Australia

Xbox’s New Remix Controller Is Made From Recycled Plastics And Includes A Rechargeable Battery

Cool initiative!

Xbox has been on a controller announcing spree recently, but none are as cool as this one.

The brand new Remix Special Edition Xbox Wireless Controller is made from reclaimed CDs, water jugs and other controller parts. This means that it will come with subtle variations of swirling, markings and other textures, giving each controller its own look and feel.

This controller has been designed in celebration of Earth Day and to really drive this point home, Xbox is also including an Xbox rechargeable battery pack and cable so that you can use the same battery over and over again without having to replace them.

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The Xbox Remix controller is releasing on April 18th. It’ll cost $120 AUD in Australia and you can pre-order it from the Microsoft Store HERE.